CoffeScript (1.1.1) on Windows: simple method !


To use CoffeScript you need:

  1. Node.js
  2. CoffeeScript
  3. Batch file to run CoffeeScript


STEP 1: Node.js

  I’m very very lazy dev… :D And i don’t recompile NodeJs into Windows….. but I’m using v0.4.7 from [many thx] and install into:

D:>cd ToolsNodeJsbin

D:ToolsNodeJsbin>node –version v0.4.7


STEP 2: CoffeeScript

  Use the last version , grab it from and install into:


Check version

D:ToolsNodeJsbinnode /cygdrive/D/Tools/CoffeeScript/bin/coffee –version CoffeeScript version 1.1.1

Node.js need unix-path

Step 3: Batch file

  I don’t know well bat syntax, and my code is VERY VERY ugly.. but it works :P  

@echo off

:: Directories of the tools SET coffeeDir=D:ToolsCoffeescriptbin SET nodeDir=D:ToolsNodeJsbin

:: var SET a=%1 SET b=%2 SET c=%3 SET d=%4 SET e=%5 SET f=%6 SET g=%7 SET h=%8 SET i=%9

:: Check input value if exist and if it’s option or file

:A IF “%a%"==”" GOTO :B IF “%a:~0,1%"==”-" GOTO :B FOR /f %%o IN (’%nodeDir%/cygpath.exe -a -u %1’) DO SET a=%%o :B IF “%b%"==”" GOTO :C IF “%b:~0,1%"==”-" GOTO :C FOR /f %%o IN (’%nodeDir%/cygpath.exe -a -u %2’) DO SET b=%%o :C IF “%c%"==”" GOTO :D IF “%c:~0,1%"==”-" GOTO :D FOR /f %%o IN (’%nodeDir%/cygpath.exe -a -u %3’) DO SET c=%%o :D IF “%d%"==”" GOTO :E IF “%d:~0,1%"==”-" GOTO :E FOR /f %%o IN (’%nodeDir%/cygpath.exe -a -u %4’) DO SET d=%%o :E IF “%e%"==”" GOTO :F IF “%e:~0,1%"==”-" GOTO :F FOR /f %%o IN (’%nodeDir%/cygpath.exe -a -u %5’) DO SET e=%%o :F IF “%f%"==”" GOTO :G IF “%f:~0,1%"==”-" GOTO :G FOR /f %%o IN (’%nodeDir%/cygpath.exe -a -u %6’) DO SET f=%%o :G IF “%g%"==”" GOTO :H IF “%g:~0,1%"==”-" GOTO :H FOR /f %%o IN (’%nodeDir%/cygpath.exe -a -u %7’) DO SET g=%%o :H IF “%h%"==”" GOTO :I IF “%h:~0,1%"==”-" GOTO :I FOR /f %%o IN (’%nodeDir%/cygpath.exe -a -u %8’) DO SET h=%%o :I IF “%i%"==”" GOTO :COMMAND IF “%i:~0,1%"==”-" GOTO :COMMAND FOR /f %%o IN (’%nodeDir%/cygpath.exe -a -u %9’) DO SET i=%%o

:COMMAND FOR /f %%o IN (’%nodeDir%/cygpath.exe -a -u %coffeeDir%’) DO SET p=%%o %nodeDir%node %p%/coffee %a% %b% %c% %d% %e% %f% %g% %h% %i%

  set the PATH environment variable contains a path to coffee.bat the name of the file is very important,  in my case it works well with coffee-rack Enjoy Many thanks to: Mikhail Nasyrov => Node.js self-contained Windows binaries => Jeremy Ashkenas =>