The library is a simple API in Ruby for Microsoft Translator V2

MsTranslate The library is a simple API in Ruby for Microsoft Translator V2 The Microsoft Translator services can be used in web or client applications to perform language translation operations. The services support users who are not familiar with the default language of a page or application, or those desiring to communicate with people of a different language group. Installation Add this line to your application’s Gemfile: gem ‘ms_translate’ And then execute:...

March 13, 2012 · 2 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]
#AiS #gems #github #ms_transalte #OpenOttica #ruby #ruby #rubygems #tips #traduttore #translate #wrapper

Padrino-admin Twitter Bootstrap v2.0 is ready

(Padrino Admin TwitterBootstrap 2.0) Padrino-Modal: rack-flash and delete function into modal :D highlights error field tof helper: Automatic replace true or false with relative image (list.slim and list.haml) Breadcrumbs Automatic time_ago_in_words when column model is created_at or updated_at Migrate function for MiniRecord Padrino-Modal All result from rack-flash and delete request, now is automatic insert into modal javascript plugin highlights error field tof_helper Automatic replace true or false with relative image (list....

February 2, 2012 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]
#AiS #bootsrtap #github #OpenOttica #padrino #padrino-admin #padrinorb #ruby #ruby #twitter #twitter bootstrap

Padrino Admin another new layout (based on Twitter Bootstrap v2.0-wip)

http://glowing-leaf-7114.heroku.com/admin/ user: test@padrinorb.com pass: test PLEASE DON’T CHANGE LOGIN/PASSWORD Additional feature: ✔ Padrino-Modal: rack-flash and delete function into modal :D ✔ highlights error field ✔ tof helper: Automatic replace true or false with relative image (list.slim and list.haml) ✔ Breadcrumbs ✔ Automatic time_ago_in_words when column model is created_at or updated_at ✔ Migrate function for MiniRecord clone my repository and enjoy :D https://github.com/WaYdotNET/padrino-framework See the code and comment please !!!!

January 30, 2012 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]
#AiS #github #OpenOttica #padrino #padrino-admin #padrinorb #ruby #ruby #twitter #twtitter-bootstrap #waydotnet

CoffeScript (1.1.1) on Windows: simple method !

CoffeScript (1.1.1) on Windows: simple method ! Inspiration: http://blog.mnasyrov.com/post/2872046541/coffeescript-on-windows-how-to-roast-coffee To use CoffeScript you need: Node.js CoffeeScript Batch file to run CoffeeScript STEP 1: Node.js I’m very very lazy dev… :D And i don’t recompile NodeJs into Windows….. but I’m using v0.4.7 from http://node-js.prcn.co.cc/ [many thx] and install into: D:>cd ToolsNodeJsbin D:ToolsNodeJsbin>node –version v0.4.7 STEP 2: CoffeeScript Use the last version , grab it from https://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script and install into: D:ToolsCoffeeScript Check version...

June 10, 2011 · 2 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]
#batch #CoffeeScript #Javascript #Node.js #OpenOttica #ruby #ruby #Script #tips #Uncategorized #windows

[OT-SPAM] Pubblicità Ottica di mia morosa :D

Non volevo intasare il muro, ma se non lo faccio rischio la pelle :D:D:D:D:D:D Siccome l ottica di mia morosa presenta la sfilata in spiaggia questa domenica ( a Cattolica) , ecco l invito (ovviamente non serve per entrare ma solo come pubblicità) perando di vedre qualche volto conosciuto al DotNETMarche ciao a tutti e scusate lo spam !!!!!

July 13, 2007 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]

Struttura OpenOttica

Il nome del programma è “OpenOttica” visto che ho intenzione di rilasciare i codici sorgenti di questo applicativo (appena ho tempo mi leggo un paio di licenze e ve la comunico). Prima di tutto va detto che verrà sviluppato con il .NET 2.0 e come database Mysql/SQLExpress/SQLite poi da decidere quale utilizzare in “produzione”. Altra cosa, se un giorno riesco cerco di farlo girare pure su MONO …. ma non credo, visto che ancora ci sono delle PINVOKE che SQLite utilizza e che MONO allo stato attuale non supporta....

March 1, 2007 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]