Padrino Admin new layout
Hi to all, i’ve publish my version of padrino admin… based on Twitter Bootstrap Login page: Welcome page List user: clone my repository and enjoy :D comment please :P
Hi to all, i’ve publish my version of padrino admin… based on Twitter Bootstrap Login page: Welcome page List user: clone my repository and enjoy :D comment please :P
CoffeScript (1.1.1) on Windows: simple method ! Inspiration: To use CoffeScript you need: Node.js CoffeeScript Batch file to run CoffeeScript STEP 1: Node.js I’m very very lazy dev… :D And i don’t recompile NodeJs into Windows….. but I’m using v0.4.7 from [many thx] and install into: D:>cd ToolsNodeJsbin D:ToolsNodeJsbin>node –version v0.4.7 STEP 2: CoffeeScript Use the last version , grab it from and install into: D:ToolsCoffeeScript Check version...
Overview Through padrino-lazy, we can include some common properties shared between the model object used a base model object Padrino is very good framework, and almost follows the DRY principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself) When we need to have some common properties shared between the model object of our ORM, using the generator padrino-gen, We can only include these properties in each model to generate. I hope this idea will be included in Padrino Framework....
Original idea from Original script using imagemagick: Using scrot : (defun org-screenshot () “Take a screenshot into a time stamped unique-named file in the same directory as the org-buffer and insert a link to this file.” (interactive) (setq filename (concat (make-temp-name (concat (buffer-file-name) “” (format-time-string “%Y%m%d%H%M%S_”)) ) “.png”)) (call-process “scrot” nil nil nil “-s” filename) (insert (concat “[[” filename “]]”)) (org-display-inline-images))
startx – :n where n => free graphic session ( > F7 )
# Unmount the filesystem and check its’ LV umount /mnt/foo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/vg0-foo # Shrink ext4 and then the LV to the desired size resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/vg0-foo 40G lvreduce -L 40G /dev/mapper/vg0-foo # Before continuing, run e2fsck. If it bails because the partition # is too small, don’t panic! The LV can still be extended with # lvextend until e2fsck succeeds, e.g.: # lvextend -L +1G /dev/mapper/vg0-foo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/vg0-foo...
M-x replace-string C-q C-m return
Simple but power command to search text inside file ed order list file by date ….. thx to google and all user grep -rl ‘REGEX’ * | xargs ls -trl
wac.exe is a small command line utility that lets you use ANSI colors on Windows. link
how to start emacs in terminal-mode instead of graphical mode ? the solutions is : emacs -nw