Padrino-admin Twitter Bootstrap v2.0 is ready

(Padrino Admin TwitterBootstrap 2.0) Padrino-Modal: rack-flash and delete function into modal :D highlights error field tof helper: Automatic replace true or false with relative image (list.slim and list.haml) Breadcrumbs Automatic time_ago_in_words when column model is created_at or updated_at Migrate function for MiniRecord Padrino-Modal All result from rack-flash and delete request, now is automatic insert into modal javascript plugin highlights error field tof_helper Automatic replace true or false with relative image (list....

February 2, 2012 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]
#AiS #bootsrtap #github #OpenOttica #padrino #padrino-admin #padrinorb #ruby #ruby #twitter #twitter bootstrap

Padrino Admin another new layout (based on Twitter Bootstrap v2.0-wip)

http://glowing-leaf-7114.heroku.com/admin/ user: test@padrinorb.com pass: test PLEASE DON’T CHANGE LOGIN/PASSWORD Additional feature: ✔ Padrino-Modal: rack-flash and delete function into modal :D ✔ highlights error field ✔ tof helper: Automatic replace true or false with relative image (list.slim and list.haml) ✔ Breadcrumbs ✔ Automatic time_ago_in_words when column model is created_at or updated_at ✔ Migrate function for MiniRecord clone my repository and enjoy :D https://github.com/WaYdotNET/padrino-framework See the code and comment please !!!!

January 30, 2012 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]
#AiS #github #OpenOttica #padrino #padrino-admin #padrinorb #ruby #ruby #twitter #twtitter-bootstrap #waydotnet