CoffeScript (1.1.1) on Windows: simple method !

CoffeScript (1.1.1) on Windows: simple method ! Inspiration: http://blog.mnasyrov.com/post/2872046541/coffeescript-on-windows-how-to-roast-coffee To use CoffeScript you need: Node.js CoffeeScript Batch file to run CoffeeScript STEP 1: Node.js I’m very very lazy dev… :D And i don’t recompile NodeJs into Windows….. but I’m using v0.4.7 from http://node-js.prcn.co.cc/ [many thx] and install into: D:>cd ToolsNodeJsbin D:ToolsNodeJsbin>node –version v0.4.7 STEP 2: CoffeeScript Use the last version , grab it from https://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script and install into: D:ToolsCoffeeScript Check version...

June 10, 2011 · 2 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]
#batch #CoffeeScript #Javascript #Node.js #OpenOttica #ruby #ruby #Script #tips #Uncategorized #windows

LAZY Agnostic Application Generators (padrino-lazy)

Overview Through padrino-lazy, we can include some common properties shared between the model object used a base model object Padrino is very good framework, and almost follows the DRY principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself) When we need to have some common properties shared between the model object of our ORM, using the generator padrino-gen, We can only include these properties in each model to generate. I hope this idea will be included in Padrino Framework....

May 21, 2011 · 2 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]
#lazy #linux #orm #padrino #ruby #ruby #Script #tips #Uncategorized

tips: remove control-M with emacs

M-x replace-string C-q C-m return

February 2, 2011 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]
#Script #tips #tips script emacs #Uncategorized

Windows ANSI Color (WAC)

wac.exe is a small command line utility that lets you use ANSI colors on Windows. link https://github.com/aslakhellesoy/wac

November 10, 2010 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]
#ruby #Script #Script #tips #tips #Uncategorized

Coder & Graph :D

[caption id=“attachment_92” align=“aligncenter” width=“258” caption=“Carlo Bertini // Patrizio Grimaldi”] [/caption] Siamo bellissimi :D

February 5, 2010 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]
#Bertini #coder #graph #Grimaldi #Uncategorized


Finalmento l ho fatto :D..

January 30, 2010 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]

Mono Tools for Visual Studio

Mono Tools for Visual Studio is a commercial add-in for Microsoft™ Visual Studio™ that enables developers to write .NET applications for non-Windows platforms within their preferred development environment. It allows developers to build, debug and deploy .NET applications on Linux, while continuing to leverage the extensive ecosystem of code, libraries, and tools available for .NET. fonte: http://go-mono.com/monovs/Default.aspx

November 11, 2009 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]

[OT] itala.it

A volte ritornano….. www.italia.it che sia la volta giusta ?????? sperem :P

July 17, 2009 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]

[OT] Zio sono !!!

Scusate l OT …. ma sono diventato zio !!!! Auguri a mio fratello Christian ed alla mogliettina Monica…… e sopratutto al piccolo (si fa x dire…3.8kg) NICOLAS !!!

March 9, 2009 · 1 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]

9° Workshop "jQuery in Action on .Net Framework"

Venerdì 27 Marzo 2009 “Write Less, Do More”: questo è quello che promette - e mantiene - jQuery, il framework Javascript che con soli 20kb di codice ha rivoluzionato il mondo dello sviluppo web. Usata estesamente da Google, alla base delle piattaforme future di Nokia, supportata ufficialmente da Microsoft in Visual Studio 2008: jQuery in poche parole “is here to stay”. In questo workshop ci proponiamo di presentare ed approfondire le potenzialità di questa libreria nell’uso con ASP....

March 3, 2009 · 3 min · Carlo Bertini [WaYdotNET]